Areas for ensuring public safety and order at the regional level


Theoretical approaches regarding the essence and specific features of the category of “areas of ensuring public safety and order at the regional level” have been summarized in the article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scholars. The author has carried out the analysis of the current legislation, the norms of which are aimed at regulating social relations arising in the sphere of ensuring public safety and order at the regional level. The key areas of ensuring public safety and order at the regional level have been highlighted and characterized. Methodology. The author of the article has used general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition, in particular: analytical method, method of documentary analysis, structural and logical, systematic and functional methods, etc. Results. It has been argued that the key purpose of the activity of authorized entities in the direction of ensuring public safety and order during mass events is, first of all, to sanction such events; and, secondly, to prevent the occurrence of mass riots and their timely termination. It has been proved that the determinants of crime, i.e., the phenomena that exert the greatest pressure on public safety and order within the regions, include: low social level of the population, which causes street crime, illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons. Each of the specified factors has a high degree of social danger,  therefore it is the object of special attention of specially authorized entities. It has been noted that the provision of personnel potential is a vital area that allows establishing high-quality, correctly oriented work in the middle of the system of each entity for ensuring public safety and order within the regions. It has been summarized that ensuring public safety and order at the regional level is a broad object of scientific research. The formation of scientific concepts about the content and essence of this field will allow to develop theoretical models for improving the work of authorized entities and, as a result, to increase the level of safety at the local level.


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