Content of directions of interaction between internal security units of the national police with other entities for ensuring discipline and legality
It is proven that the interaction of internal security units of the National Police of Ukraine with other subjects of ensuring discipline and legality is regulated by a system of legislative acts of varying degrees of legal force.
The category of “directions of interaction” is characterized by a complex combination of tasks and powers that determine the direction of a certain joint activity of its participants, which is manifested in the corresponding content of the relationship. Based on the essence of the category of “directions of interaction”, the joint activities of the internal security units of the national police with other subjects of ensuring discipline and legality can be combined into classification groups according to various characteristics and approaches to the characteristics of the subject of interaction, whose activities are being assessed. The following characteristics are recommended for the classification of “directions of interaction” of the units of the Department of Internal Security of the national police with a wide range of other subjects of ensuring discipline and legality (the proposed classifications can be combined with each other to build a complex hierarchy): a) “directions of interaction” depending on the publicity of the joint activity: 1) open (not hidden); 2) partially hidden; 3) and covert; b) “directions of interaction” depending on the purpose (direction) of the subject of interaction: 1) main – determined by the main goal and objectives of the interaction participant whose activities are being considered; 2) auxiliary – aimed at ensuring the main functions of the interaction subject; 3) additional – those that should support the implementation of administrative, communicative, informational, analytical and other functions, if these functions are not the main ones for the subject of joint activity; c) “directions of interaction” of the units of the Department of Internal Security of the National Police, depending on the content of the joint activity.
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