
Nowadays, the bipolar world order contributes to an increase in the frequency and number of international conflicts, and to the rivalry of interests of the central powers, all of which together lead to shifts in the structuring of the international space. In particular, this has affected changes in the international environment and the crystallisation of new challenges to global security. Among them, the issues of nuclear proliferation and international terrorism, in particular, the threat of nuclear terrorism, as well as cross-border organised crime, political and religious extremism, drug trafficking, and uncontrolled military conflicts that undermine the foundations of global stability, are becoming particularly acute. Therefore, the international community was forced to improve the principles and mechanisms for maintaining international order. Among them, sanctions play an important role as a method of foreign policy influence.

In 2014, with the outbreak of Russian military aggression in Ukraine, the international community began to impose sanctions on Russia to prevent any escalation of the conflict.  On 24 February 2022, it became known that these measures were not enough. After the outbreak of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, which was condemned by the international community, new unprecedented restrictive measures were introduced against the aggressor country. Sanctions have become the subject of research by politicians and scholars, as they are nowadays the main alternative to war, and security and stability in the world depend on their effectiveness.

The purpose of the article is to explore the essence and significance of international sanctions, and to analyse the procedure and peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine and the EU countries.


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