On the issue of legal principles of control over the activities of business entities engaged in the transportation of passengers by road transport


The article emphasises that the legal basis for exercising control over the activities of business entities engaged in the transportation of passengers by road includes several main elements. First, these are the principles of law – fundamental ideas and provisions that underlie the legal system, such as the principles of justice, legality, and legal certainty, which guarantee law and order and stability in society. Second, the legal basis includes regulatory legal acts – laws and by-laws that establish specific rules of conduct and regulation of social relations. Third, the legal doctrine, which is scientific concepts and theories that influence the development and interpretation of law, is also an integral part of the legal basis. It helps to form a broad understanding, based on an interdisciplinary vision and leading foreign experience, of legal norms and directions of their application. Fourth, judicial practice is court decisions that form legal positions and establish certain approaches to the interpretation of legal norms.

It is argued that control over the activities of business entities that transport passengers by road in Ukraine is based on a number of legal principles that determine the procedure for regulating this activity. This ensures the safety of passengers, compliance with their rights as consumers, as well as compliance by carriers with the requirements of current legislation. Among the main regulatory acts that regulate this area, the Commercial Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Road Transport,” and the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Types of Economic Activities” should be mentioned.

It is determined that administrative and legal norms occupy an important place in regulating the activities of entities that transport passengers. They determine the procedure for conducting inspections, imposing fines, and administering sanctions on carriers in case of violation of legislative requirements. Administrative and legal norms play a significant role in ensuring law and order and control in the field of road transportation. They determine the procedure for carrying out control, as well as the grounds for conducting inspections.


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