Reasons and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses by children
In the article, the author revealed the most urgent problems of the causes and conditions of committing offenses by children. It has been established that overcoming the manifestation of illegal behavior by children has certain difficulties, since the child’s behavior can be influenced by peers, school environment, family environment, mass media, etc. The author claims that children in conflict with the law have the right to special approaches, according to their age. If such children are supported individually, their reintegration into society and prevention of repeated violations will be more successful.
The list is defined of the main entities that protect children’s rights and whose activities are aimed at preventing the commission of offenses by children. The author established that conducting preventive work with a child is an effective measure to prevent the commission of offenses in the children’s environment, which depends on the individual needs of the child and the purpose of preventive activities. The choice of the form of preventive measures depends on whether the work is carried out individually or with a group.
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