Specific features of administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies as subjects of interaction and coordination within law enforcement activity at regional level
The scientific views of scientists on the essence and content of the concepts of “law enforcement agency” and “law enforcement activity” are analyzed. The content of the category “administrative and legal status” is disclosed. The analysis of the norms of the current legislation, the norms of which enshrine the elements of the administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies as subjects of interaction and coordination in the field of law enforcement at the regional level,
is carried out. Methodology. The article uses general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, in particular: logical-semantic, analytical method, method of documentary analysis and structural-logical method. Results. It is stated that law enforcement agencies as subjects of interaction and coordination in the field of law enforcement are public authorities defined by legislative acts, which perform law enforcement function on the basis of coherence of the powers granted to them by administrative and legal norms to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities by preventing, terminating and disclosing offenses related to a particular region. It is proved that the key elements that characterize the participation of law enforcement agencies in interaction and coordination at the regional level are: 1) their task within the framework of a common goal for all law enforcement agencies – to ensure law and order associated with the implementation of their inquiry, pre-trial investigation and conducting of operational and investigative activities as elements of the fight against criminality; 2) objectively determined need to solve problems in the implementation of the law
enforcement function by law enforcement agencies by coordinating their activities and implementing joint actions; 3) affiliation of law enforcement agencies as subjects of interaction and coordination to the same level of implementation of their powers- a particular region. The peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies as subjects
of interaction and coordination in the field of law enforcement activity at the regional level are highlighted.
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