Characteristics of the civil-legal liability of the notary


The article examines problematic aspects of civil liability for damage caused to a person as a result of illegal actions or negligence of a private notary. On the basis of a general idea about the institution of legal liability, the essence and features of the notary’s civil liability are defined. The specifics of the notary’s civil liability are determined, which consist not only in the application of appropriate coercive measures to him for an already committed offense, but also in his awareness of his liability for the illegal or negligent performance of his professional duties.

The grounds and conditions of civil liability for damage caused to a person as a result of illegal actions or negligence of a private notary are disclosed. The institution of civil liability of private notaries should be considered not only as a guarantee of their legal and conscientious performance of their duties, as a means of protecting the legitimate interests of the state, citizens and legal entities related to the provision of notary services, but also as a guarantee of ensuring the rights of the notaries themselves private notaries in the research relations. The need for further improvement of the legal regulation of relations regarding civil liability for damage caused to a person as a result of illegal actions or negligence of a private notary is substantiated. Especially those related to the grounds of the notary’s civil liability, determination of its scope, order and scope of compensation, etc.


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