On the issue of types of supervision (control) over compliance with standards in the field of healthcare


The article emphasizes that in modern society, it is impossible for regulatory bodies to adapt to new realities without understanding the full range of changes, which requires new approaches, methods, and interactions, which in their aggregate form the basis of new types of supervision (control).

It has been noted that supervision (control) over compliance with standards in the field of healthcare can also be classified depending on the focus on strategic (solving general strategic tasks), operational (implementing operational activities) and tactical (performing individual tactical tasks). It has been determined that in the field of supervision (control) over compliance with standards in the field of healthcare, it is important to ensure the priority of strategic control, the foundations of which are formed at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in relation to operational and tactical control. Given this concept, strategies for the development of the healthcare system should establish a clear vector for implementing control measures at the level of a separate healthcare institution.



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