Conducting professional advocacy campaigns as a mean of forming an active legal position


The purpose of this article is to develop theoretical and practical bases for conducting an advocacy campaign in the field of criminal procedure to encourage citizens to take a more active position in the case and increase their level of legal awareness.

Methods: general and special scientific (special) methods were used to achieve a certain goal. The use of these methods allowed to outline the problems of development of modern university legal education and science, to determine the prospects for their development, taking into account world experience.

Active legal position in a specific procedural case the subject-participant of the process assumes an extensive system of legal tools, which should have not only the direct carrier of the procedural the status of a participant in the process, but also his representative; implementation of legal activity in case using the institution of procedural representation will provide the desire of the legislator to overcome at the conceptual level inherited inquisitorial post-Soviet criminal justice. Public opinion is one of the well-known factors in forming an active legal position in criminal cases. In addition, legal education contribute to the formation of public opinion. The paper proposes a strategic plan for an advocacy campaign to develop an active legal position in citizens, which includes 6 steps and 5 stages.

In particular – Stage 1. Research environment. Problem formulation. Stage 2. Formulation of the purpose and tasks of the advocacy campaign. Stage 3. Identification of stakeholders and targets. Stage 4. Communication with the community, targets and stakeholders. Stage 5. Drawing up a campaign plan and selecting tools for its implementation. Stage 6. Monitoring and evaluation of performance.


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