Corruption Risks in the Sphere of Health Protection


The article reveals the essence and peculiarities of corruption in the field of health care. The reasons for the underfunding of the health care sector have been studied. The author considered the factors that influence the development of corruption schemes in the medical field, provided statistical data on the motives and options for bribery by patients to medical personnel. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article was the dialectical method of learning social relations, phenomena and processes, which consists in identifying the peculiarities of corruption risks in the field of health care. System analysis method, historical method, comparative legal method were also used. Results. The article highlights and characterizes the main trends of corruption risks and problems arising in connection with the outbreak of infectious diseases based on the analysis of theoretical foundations and approaches to the study of corruption problems in the health care sector. It is emphasized that the violation of human rights and democratic norms, after all, countries with a high level of corruption, as a rule, violate human rights and democratic norms to a greater extent in the context of the implementation of programs to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Corrupt regimes use such emergency situations to further strengthen their power and expand their spheres of influence. The author emphasizes that the list of such goods, works or services and the procedure for their procurement is approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and includes some medicines, immunobiological preparations, food products, disinfectants, antiseptics, disinfection equipment, medical products, medical equipment and other goods. These goods and services can be purchased without holding a standard tender, public customers are given the right to conclude direct contracts with suppliers. Transparency is considered to be a key to a fair and effective emergency response, as it ensures that resources reach the intended beneficiaries in the right quantity and quality at a reasonable cost.


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