International Experience in Combating Trafficking in Women and Possibility of Its Application in Ukraine


It has been emphasized that the issue of combating trafficking in women was and is relevant for all countries, even the most developed ones, both in the economic, political and legal, social and cultural spheres. The mechanisms of combating this dangerous, antisocial phenomenon in various foreign countries have both specific and common characteristics. In general, every modern democratic, legal state strives to ensure the maximum compliance of national mechanisms and countermeasures with UN requirements and standards established against human trafficking.

It has been generalized that the following should be included into the most useful aspects of international experience, which should be taken into account during the improvement of domestic state policy in the field of combating trafficking in women, as well as organizational and legal mechanism for the implementation of this policy: the creation of an interdepartmental working team that will take care of the issues of: the analysis of effectiveness and perspectives in combating trafficking in women in Ukraine; orientation of the activities of state law enforcement agencies and certain social services in combating offenses related to trafficking in women, as well as providing appropriate assistance to persons who are victims to such offenses; active involvement of non-governmental organizations in conducting training and educational work with the population in order to provide women with necessary knowledge and patterns of behavior needed in order to: first, minimize the risks of being a victim of human trafficking; secondly, to preserve one’s life and health and minimize the dangerous consequences of getting into the specified situations; increased responsibility for committed offenses related to trafficking in women, if the victims are minors; shift of emphasis in the state legal and educational policy from the inadmissibility and immorality of women’s trade in their bodies (i.e., prostitution) to the illegality and immorality of using sexual services; paying special attention to the work with women, especially minors, who belong to marginalized groups of the population.


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