
The process of establishing an independent judiciary has been accompanied by reforms and continuous improvement of approaches to the formation of the judiciary and raising the professional level of judges. International standards that set strict professional and ethical requirements for the position of a judge have always been a reliable support in this process, being by their very nature an instrument that contributes to the independence of the judiciary and the objectivity of judges, as well as ensuring the highest level of professional competence of judges. Their importance in the professional selection of judges cannot be overestimated, as they affect vital indicators for the judicial system, in particular: independence and objectivity (international standards establish principles that help ensure independence of courts from external interference and any political pressure, and prevent any form of discrimination in the work of courts at the regulatory level); continuous improvement of professional competence of judges (by establishing minimum requirements for the organisation of education and training of judges), ensuring respect for human rights in the administration of justice (international standards offer a significant tool for the protection of human rights, establishing at the normative level the content of the right to a fair trial, the right to defence and the right to effective and accessible legal aid). In addition, international standards in the field of judicial selection create a basis for joint activities and cooperation between countries, setting benchmarks for improving the functioning of the judiciary in countries that are reforming their judicial systems. Today, it can be confidently stated that international standards of professional training and selection of judges, which relate to the competence of judges as a set of their professional qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities, are the basis for ensuring the functioning of fair and effective judicial systems around the world. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is the dialectical method of cognition of social relations, phenomena and processes, which consists in identifying the specific features of international legal standards for the professional training and selection of judges. The author also uses the method of system analysis, the historical method, and the comparative legal method.


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