
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, terrorism has become part of our everyday life again, and it is only right that research has been conducted to explore the possible transposition of traditional terrorism into cyberspace. The first question is whether cyberterrorism itself can be defined. The first such definition is that of Keith Lourdeau, former head of the FBI’s cyber defence division, who defined cyber terrorism as ‘a crime committed using computers and telecommunications facilities to disrupt and/or disrupt services, causing confusion and uncertainty in the public. These actions are intended to influence the government or the population by force in order to achieve an organisation’s individual political, social or ideological goals. Professor Dorothy Denning also used similar language, writing immediately after 11 September 2001: “cyberterrorism is a computer-based attack or threat designed to intimidate or coerce governments or societies into achieving the political, religious, or ideological goals of a particular terrorist organization. At the same time, the United States of America routinely uses unmanned combat aircraft (armed drones) against terrorists in the Middle East. The use of military drones, however, raises a number of questions of military law and human rights, which have yet to be answered. The aim of my research is, in part, to show how the use of military drones in the 21st century can be assessed from an international law perspective, what the implications of the continued use of these tools will be, and how vulnerable these tools are to cyberterrorists


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