Legal regulation of compulsory license
All subjective civil rights are capable of restrictions, especially for patent rights, where the desire to ensure a compromise between the interests of patent holders and the interests of society is most relevant. One of the consequences of compliance with this balance in patent law was the constant expansion of various restrictions and encumbrances, especially the property rights of patent holders. The article considers the issues of restrictions of subjective patent rights on the example of the issuance of a compulsory license. The current legislation of Ukraine and the legislation of developed countries are considered. It was found that countries independently determine the regime of compulsory licenses for patent objects at the national level. A legal mechanism for restricting patent rights to achieve a balance between the interests of society and patent holders through the application of a compulsory license has been identified. The issuance of compulsory licenses is possible for the benefit of individuals and public entities, including for health purposes, which is especially relevant for countries at the present stage. The mechanism of compulsory licensing fully corresponds to the peculiarities of patent legal relations and does not deprive the patent owner of the protection of his exclusive right, nor does it prevent him from independently using and effectively commercializing the relevant development. Compulsory license is paid, although granted against the will of the patent owner, but is a means of securing his property interests.
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