Types of cyber conflicts and the role of the state in their prevention and solution


The world of digital technologies, in which we learn to live, requires from us new qualitative knowledge and systematization of already existing ones. Undoubtedly, this is not only a new logical stage in the development of the technological sphere of mankind, but also the entire existing legal and political reality. At this stage, it is important to form the necessary definitions and definitions. Therefore, the study of types of cyber-conflicts, the role of the state in their prevention and resolution is relevant, and the problems of regulation and regulation of activities in cyberspace have long been key in the policy of many countries. The aim of the article is to clarify the concept of cyber conflict, types of cyber-conflicts and the role of the state in their prevention and resolution. Research methods: the use of general scientific and special legal methods of scientific knowledge, including dialectical, axiological, systemic and structural, generalization, comparative, allowed to clarify the essence of the concept of cyber conflict, its types and methods of prevention and resolution. Results: As a result of scientific research the qualitative features of cyber-conflicts, their types are revealed, the basic directions of research on this subject are outlined and the ways of the prevention and ways of the decision of such kind of conflicts are offered. The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the responsibility for the occurrence and spread of cyber-conflicts should be borne not only by the state, but also by each of us, because we worry about whether our data leaked into the network, we forget to behave properly so that data does not leak from our gadget. A systematic approach to the formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of cybersecurity should be applied, which will ensure adequate content of its content in accordance with the requirements for legal terminology, as well as enable harmonization with the terminology of current Ukrainian legislation and international acts. Today there is an urgent need to conceptually understand the new cybersecurity reality and to solve purely practical issues of streamlining the internal regulatory framework, the areas of responsibility of agencies involved in ensuring the cybersecurity of the state.


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