
The author of the article has attempted to analyze the successful experience of the Republic of Poland in implementing the state policy in the field of entrepreneurship activities. It has been proved that the Republic of Poland carried out successful economic reforms in the field of entrepreneurship activities and continues to implement them that led to significant achievements in the development of the entrepreneurial sphere, in particular, within state regulation of micro, small and medium-sized businesses. It os the reason that the specified experience is interesting and useful for Ukraine. It has been substantiated that the state policy in the field of entrepreneurship activities in the Republic of Poland is implemented, in particular, through strategic planning of state regulation of the entrepreneurial sphere. The main example of such a strategically important document, among other things, is the Constitution for Business (Konstytucja Biznesu), which became innovative for the implementation of the state policy in the field of entrepreneurship activities in Poland. The state support in the field of entrepreneurship activities has proved its effectiveness in Poland, and therefore this experience can be also used in Ukraine. The positive in this case is: a comprehensive approach in state regulation of small and medium-sized enterprises; a number of benefits for entrepreneurs of micro, small and medium businesses; reduction of administrative burden and state influence; various forms of financial support. The analysis of the functioning of the Institute of the Spokesman of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Poland, whose activity is also more successful than a similar institution in Ukraine, was also relevant. Given that the Republic of Poland is an important strategic partner for Ukraine, we consider it possible for our country to take into account such legislative progress in the specified aspects.


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