Particular attention has been focused on the fact that the activity of public administration agencies in their
interaction with business entities regarding the termination of their rights to natural resources can be manifested in:
certifying the will of entrepreneurs regarding the termination of using natural objects; termination of the right to use
natural resources by entrepreneurs initiated by public administration agencies in case of violation of their obligations
regarding them, or on the basis of representation of public interests regarding the public use of these natural resources
(for example, for the purpose of meeting public needs, or for the purpose of public necessity, which is particularly
relevant during the martial law).
It has been emphasized that the interaction areas between public administration agencies and business entities
should include: 1) regulatory, embodied in the creation of norms by public administration agencies that regulate the
behavior of business entities; 2) permit-registration – receipt by entrepreneurs of documents necessary for their implementation
of certain types of activities, which certify the legality of their implementation; 3) informational and stimulating
– formation by public administration agencies of a positive image of the state, its certain regions or sectors of
the economy for further development of investment activities; 4) organizational and methodological area; 5) resource
and providing area, which is manifested in obtaining permits by entrepreneurs for the special use of land plots and
other natural resources necessary for the implementation of their activities; 6) program and parity area, which is manifested
in the involvement of entrepreneurs to participate in the discussion of development plans of territorial communities,
business directions, forms and methods of public assistance to business entities; 7) control and supervisory area;
8) social and encouraging – creating conditions for patronage and socially responsible activities of entrepreneurs;
9) fiscal and stimulating – tax incentives for entrepreneurs for unshadowing incomes, for example, by reducing the tax
burden, stimulating the development of certain regions (for example, especially those affected by the aggression of a
terrorist state); 10) protective area aimed at ensuring the compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs,
including on the basis of their restoration in case of violation
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