The role and place of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of entities ensuring the national security of the state


The article reveals the role and place of the Armed Forces of Ukraine among the subjects of ensuring the national security of the state. The issue of military legislation in terms of increasing the country’s defense capabilities and the effectiveness of countering russian aggression has been studied. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research was, first of all, the universal scientific principles of objectivity, systematicity, comprehensive study of the problem. During the research, a system of scientific methods was applied: a) general philosophical (dialectical, positivistic); b) general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling); c) special-scientific (special-judicial) methods (judicial-dogmatic, comparative-legal, normative-analytical). Results. The article defines that the system of subjects of ensuring national security is a set of state authorities, as well as non-state bodies, which are united by common goals and tasks regarding the protection, preservation and strengthening of national values and interests, countering internal and external threats, and which carry out their activities in a certain interaction, according to the current legislation. It was also found out that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are the basic force in ensuring the defense of the state, protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability. Especially during the period of russian aggression, Ukraine assessed the importance of the power component. The article states that the number of the Armed Forces in recent years has been changing in the progression of growth and as of 2022 is approximately 700,000 people. The role of foreign missions in the training of Ukrainian military personnel to strengthen their ability to protect the territorial integrity of the state and deter hostile actions of the aggressor is highlighted. The author’s position that the process of improvement, systematization, possible codification of military legislation is a requirement of time is argued. After all, the presence of a large number of regulatory and legal acts in the field of defense can negatively affect the future vector of the state’s defense capability. A conclusion was made about the priority of ensuring national security in the activities of the state, especially in the period when Ukraine is experiencing extremely difficult times associated with russian aggression, which poses a threat to the integrity of the country, its sovereignty, the destruction of national values, and the existence of Ukrainian society.


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