The concept and features of banking as an object of administrative and legal influence


Attention is focused on the fact that banks should be understood as financial institutions that carry out various operations with money and securities, providing a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities.

In the article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, the author’s definition of the concept of “banking activity” is proposed. It was found that banking is a specialized type of economic activity, which is carried out by banks on the basis of an appropriate license and involves a wide range of transactions with cash, securities and other financial assets. Such activity is carried out for the purpose of attracting funds, managing financial resources, lending, carrying out settlement and payment operations, as well as ensuring financial stability and liquidity.

Attention is focused on the fact that the main features of banking activity, which emphasize its importance and characterize it as an object of administrative influence, are expressed in three key aspects: economic, political and public-legal.

It was concluded that banking activity, as an object of administrative and legal influence, is characterized by the following features: a) it is carried out by specially authorized entities, which are implemented on the basis of obtaining a license; b) conditions the emergence of legal relations of a power-management nature between various subjects; c) provision of the relevant banking activity is carried out by specially authorized entities that have a special administrative and legal status; d) has important social, economic and political significance, due to which it is subject to strict regulation, mainly by the norms of the administrative branch of law.


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