The essence, content and features of the territorial defense of Ukraine


In the article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, the author proposes a definition of the concept of “territorial defence.” Attention is focused on the fact that the concept of territorial defence is characterised by its special content, which, as it is seen, is revealed through the system of principles for the implementation of such activities as well as its goals and objectives.

It is argued that territorial defense is most expediently interpreted as a nationwide complex of military and other special measures regulated by the norms of current legislation, which are implemented both in peacetime and in the event of the introduction of special legal regimes of social life (in particular, martial law), with the aim of ensuring national security through countering military threats, providing assistance in protecting the population, territories, natural environment, and property of the state and citizens from emergency situations.

It was established that the content of territorial defense is a set of actions based on the principles defined by legislation, which are implemented by specially authorized entities with the aim of ensuring the security and integrity of the national space, protecting the lives and property of citizens, as well as preserving the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the state, as in peacetime, as well as in special periods, in particular in conditions of external military aggression.

It is summarized that the meaning of territorial defense is as follows: firstly, it is the first and main level of protection of the country in case of possible aggression or threat from the side of an external enemy; secondly, it promotes public involvement in the country’s defense process; thirdly, it allows to ensure the development of internal stability and unity in society; fourthly, it creates conditions for mutual understanding between the military and the population, which strengthens the degree of national unity and a sense of belonging to one’s state. In addition, territorial defense contributes to the development of territorial infrastructure and increasing the level of protection of the population in case of crisis situations.



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