The essence and system of legal bases for ensuring preventive activities of the National Police of Ukraine


The article highlights the system of normative legal acts of different legal forces, which make up the legal basis for ensuring the preventive activities of the National Police of Ukraine. Attention was focused on the fact that today the regulation of preventive activities of the National Police needs improvement, in view of which it is proposed to make appropriate changes to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police.”

Attention is focused on the fact that the system of legal bases for ensuring the preventive activities of the National Police of Ukraine consists of a large number of normative legal acts of different legal force, the provisions of which regulate: 1) the powers, directions and tasks of the National Police of Ukraine in the context of preventing and combating crime, and also other offenses, etc.; 2) the procedure and features of the interaction of specially authorized subjects in the researched field; 3) legal status and role of structural bodies and divisions of the National Police in the process of implementing operations and measures of a preventive nature; etc.

It was noted that the regulation of preventive activities of the National Police today needs improvement. In particular, there are no provisions in the current regulatory documents that would accurately determine the nature, inner essence and clear internal structure of the specified direction of police law enforcement work. Despite the fact that most of the presented documents establish mechanisms and measures that are logically related to prevention, none of them explicitly mentions this. In addition, even in the targeted Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” preventive activity is used as a concept, but there is no concrete description of this legal phenomenon. Such a negative aspect needs to be eliminated by making changes to the above-mentioned Law in the form of supplementing it with norms that would clearly and fully disclose the legal status of the subjects of preventive activity, as well as the specifics of its implementation as a direction of law enforcement activity.


  1. Constitution of Ukraine: Law of 28.06.1996 No. 254k/96-ВР. Official webportal of the Parliament of Ukraine. 2010. No. 72/1. Article 2598.
  2. On the National Police: Law dated July 2, 2015 No. 580-VIII. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 2015. No. 40-41. Article 379.
  3. On operational and investigative activity: Law dated 02.18.1992 No. 2135-ХІІ. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 1992. No. 22. Article 303.
  4. On the organizational and legal basis of combating organized crime Types: Law: Law No. 3341-XII dated 30.06.1993. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 1993. No. 35. Article 358.
  5.  On Combating Human Trafficking: Law No. 3739-VI dated September 20, 2011. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 2012. No. 19-20. Article