The concept of housing interest and its relation to the law


The article is devoted to the development of the notion “housing interest of citizens” and its relationship with the law. The category of “interest” is widely used in all spheres of public life. Therefore, at the beginning the general definition of interest is introduced in the work. It is directly related to the category “need”. Then the concept of interest is projected into the housing sphere and is defined as a model of legal relationship chosen by an individual, mediating the satisfaction of needs. The housing interest is closely related to the law. Objective law is a system of legal norms designed to regulate public relations. As a result, the social subject chooses not just a model of the relationship, but a model of the legal relationship. When choosing a model of legal relationship, the social subject chooses a model of interaction built in accordance with generally binding rules. Such rules of behavior are laid down in legal norms, and the choice of the relationship model, and therefore the interest itself, depends on it. But the most significant is the relationship between interest and subjective law. Subjective law is an effective means of realizing the housing interest.


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