
The article examines the concept of electronic justice (e-justice) and statement for its implementation in the European Union. The paper highlights the key criteria for effective e-courts, such as accuracy, integrity, automation and accessibility. The author analyzes the main EU strategic documents that define the principles and directions of digitalization of the judicial systems of the EU members, in particular the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Opinion of the Advisory Council of European Judges, the Justice Programme and the European E- Justice Strategy for 2019-2023.

Considerable attention is paid to the review of practical achievements in the sphere of e-justice in the EU, including the creation of the multifunctional e-Justice portal, the European Judicial Atlas of Civil matters, and the e-CODEX infrastructure for cross-border interaction of courts and authorities. The paper considers the functions of the eu-LISA Agency for the management of IT systems in the EU justice and home affairs sector. The paper analyzed the problems and challenges on the way to full-scale digitalization of the European judiciary, such as legal barriers, technical unpreparedness, and staff shortages. The author highlights the latest EU legislative initiatives to unify the rules of electronic communication in judicial procedures.


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