The place of administrative law rules in the system of legal principles of security activities in Ukraine


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, the author’s approach to the interpretation of the concept of “administrative-legal regulation” is formulated. Attention is focused on the fact that administrative-legal regulation is a type of legal regulation in the classical sense, which expresses the influence of the norms of administrative law on social-legal relations in the sphere of public administration. Such legal relations should include: 1) relations between state authorities and local self-government; 2) relations between citizens of Ukraine and authorities (local self-government) and their officials; 3) relations regarding the provision of state-public services to the population of the country; 4) relations in the field of state control and supervision, etc.

The system of normative legal acts of different legal force, which constitute the legal framework of security activities in Ukraine, is highlighted. It has been proven that in the system of legal foundations of security activities in Ukraine, the key place is given to the norms of the administrative branch of law, because it is with the help of the latter: 1) imperative prescriptions and requirements regarding the procedure for conducting security activities, the list of services covered by its content, and the status of implementation entities are established security activities; 2) the mechanisms of state regulation of security activities are defined, in particular, the licensing procedure; 3) restrictions on the issue of legal registration of security activities are established in the form of special requirements for the form and content of the contract on the provision of security services; 4) the minimum set of rights and obligations of subjects of security activity is consolidated; 5) the competence and powers of state authorities in the field of organization, provision and implementation of security activities are regulated; etc.


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