
The article is devoted to the study of the components of territorial defense, which together allow forming a unified vision of the national model of territorial defense.  The author proposes that the specifics of the national model of territorial defense will be reflected in: 1) institutional features of territorial defense; 2) regulatory framework of territorial defense; 3) functional framework of territorial defense. The structuring of the regulatory framework of territorial defense should be carried out taking into account the following principles: 1) State jurisdiction (indicates national and international acts which may act as regulators of this area of public relations); 2) legal force (indicates the legal binding nature of legal acts within the national legal system); 3) subject matter of legal influence (indicates a specific aspect of the functioning of territorial defense).

The author proposes and substantiates the thesis that it is expedient to adopt the Law of Ukraine “On Territorial Defense” and to adopt an updated Doctrine of Territorial Defense which should substantially follow the requirements of today and the best practices of international partners.


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