Features of notarial activity as an object of control and supervision


The article focuses on the fact that today in the legal literature various approaches to the interpretation of the content, essence and signs of notarial activity are presented. Based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists and norms of current legislation, the author’s definition of notarial activity as an object of control and supervision is proposed. Characteristic features of this activity are highlighted.
It was concluded that notarial activity is a system of notarial actions regulated by the legislation of Ukraine, as well as other organizational, managerial and other measures, means and operations that meet the regulatory requirements and are carried out in a strict legally defined manner by state and private notaries. by other authorized entities, which are collectively directed to the implementation of the notary’s tasks and ensuring its work on the territory of Ukraine and its individual localities.
It is argued that the characteristic features of notarial activity as an object of control and supervision are the following: 1) the result of notarial activity has a high degree of legal significance, because it directly affects the rights and legal status of individual individuals and legal entities; 2) it is an activity of a public nature, in connection with which it is equated to the process of performing state functions, and therefore it is subject to strict state regulation; 3) the performance of notarial activities is entrusted to special subjects, notaries, who are subject to special conditions regarding their qualifications, skills, knowledge and abilities; 4) notarial activity has a procedural nature, and therefore is strictly regulated by the norms of legislation.


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