The essence and peculiarities of the Security Service of Ukraine as a state law enforcement body of special purpose


The article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists, summarises general theoretical approaches to determining the content and essence of law enforcement agencies. The author’s definition of this concept is proposed. Based on the analysis of the norms of the current legislation, the main features of the legal status and organisation of the activity of the Security Service of Ukraine are highlighted.

It has been proven that law enforcement bodies are state authorities that, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation, are endowed with a special kind of authority and competence, which give them the opportunity to implement the law enforcement function of the state, which is expressed in the preventive, operative-investigative, and criminal-procedural activities of professional personnel composition, provided with the possibility of applying state coercion in order to prevent and stop administrative as well as criminal offences.

It has been substantiated that the Security Service of Ukraine is a single, independent body of state power with law enforcement functions, which is distinguished from other similar agencies by the following features: 1) the work of the SSU is aimed at ensuring state security; 2) it is the main body of state power in the system of combating terrorism in Ukraine; 3) the effective operation of the SSU is supported by a number of important guarantees, among which a special place belongs to independence and the prohibition of interference in the work of this institution; 4) personnel training for the Security Service of Ukraine is carried out in special educational institutions that provide professionally orientated knowledge and practical skills for effective performance of tasks assigned to the agency.


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