Competence and authority of the head of the territorial authority of the national police as a subject of control


The scientific article draws attention to the fact that the head of the territorial unit is endowed with a wide range of official powers, especially after their expansion, which was due to the aggressive invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine and the need to repel the aforementioned armed aggression. Within the framework of the application of the head’s powers, he is able to organise the service of subordinates in an appropriate manner, namely in such a way that all the duties and tasks assigned to the unit related to combating crime and ensuring law and order are performed in a timely and full manner. In order to fulfill them, the chief delegates control and organizational powers to his deputies and chiefs of services, to create an effective multi-level management system, organizes interaction with the population on the basis of partnership, ensures cooperation and exchange of information of the entrusted police unit with other state authorities, represents it at official events, is in constant direct interaction with the top management, takes part in documenting, uncovering and investigating high-profile crimes, conducts hearings on the status of pre-trial investigations, organizes support and protection of public safety and order during mass events, ensures the conduct of checks at the request of citizens, controls the timeliness and correctness of such checks, which he certifies with his signature, under the conclusion and the answer to each appeal.

Attention is focused on the need to introduce a neuro-network based on artificial intelligence into the activities of the head of the territorial division of the police, which would control all areas of activity of the police body would carry out an analysis of official activities, statistics, the state of pre-trial investigation of criminal offences, the state of consideration of citizens’ appeals, the correctness and compliance with the law of the decisions made, which would increase the efficiency of the manager and the unit in general. It has been also emphasised that the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence in the work of the information and analytical portal of the National Police led to its streamlining, improving the convenience and efficiency of using this police base.


  1. Mayorov, V. V. On the Issue of the Correlation of the Concepts of “Competence” and “Powers” of the National Police of Ukraine. Law and Public Administration. 2020. № 1. Volume 1. Pp. 85-89.
  2. On the National Police: Law of Ukraine dated 04.07.2015 No. 850. URL:
  3. On access to public information: Law of Ukraine dated 13.01.2011 No. 2939-VI. URL:
  4. Current legislative changes to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”. URL: